Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Day the Refridgerator sort of, almost,but not really Died

Yesterday I woke up a few minutes after six with a splitting headache (stress related, but that's another story).  Brian had already left for work and I was desperately seeking excedrin.  I could hear a terrible sound coming from the kitchen.  I stumbled blindly, groping in the cabinet for that blessed green bottle and patting myself on the back for setting the coffee pot the night before.  The sound, half screech half grinding motor seemed to be beating on the outside of my head as hard as the tension was pounding the inside.  Still waiting for the drug caffeine cocktail to kick in, I started checking around the fridge.  The sound was definitely coming from the back of it.  I go get Lucy who is up despite the fact she never gets up before 6:30 even on school days.  She keeps patting her ear at the terrible sound.  Jack comes down stairs holding his ears.  I keep laying hands on the fridge in hopes it will still be cold.  I alert Brian to the possible appliance emergency.  In the meantime, I start working on forms for camp.  I call Ky WMU to get a fax number.  I drink more coffee.  I assure Lucy for the hundredth time we will be going to the pool.  I try to track down the minister and Brian or Ivan to get signatures on camp forms.  I read a stack of picture books.  The sound continues to drone and I am near panic.  I drink more coffee.  At this point it seems more efficient to drink while sitting in the bathroom.  If I can do this and read to Lucy and help Jack with math and finish printing camp forms I might get it all done.  Make blueberry smoothies for breakfast. Finally, I get Jack and Lucy in the car.  I head out to pick Brianna and Hadley up from friends.  I stop at the office.  Track down the minister in town.  Run in Dollar General for bread. While in DG I remind the clerk her daughter hasn't turned in her forms for camp. "What forms? What camp? When?"  I assure her I will bring her forms. Pick up the girls by a few minutes after nine.  Rush back to the office to get forms notarized and faxed.  Discuss with Brian the imminent danger of the fridge death.  Fly back home to pack up for the pool.  As we enter, the house is eerily silent.  Sure of the worst I run to the fridge.  It feels cold.  Kim is a lovely lady that comes on Monday to help with laundry.  She is humming as she sorts clothes.  I am frantic.  "Did you hear the noise?  How long has it been down?"  Kim answered calmly "I did hear that noise.  I looked around the fridge and found a magnetic toy on the side.  I think the toy's battery had died.  I just turned it off."  Maybe I need more caffeine.

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