Monday, June 27, 2011

Camp 2011



As usual, I have so much more to say on my lessons from camp, but I know I have a few anxiously awaiting pictures so I guess they are coming first.  I was really blessed to take 10 wonderful young girls.  I promise to only believe part of what they said about their parents.  The taller girl in the center was our cabin leader.  I know plenty of people will argue with me, but I can’t help but believe we all need a week or so a year where we leave all the technology and distractions behind and just enjoy,  God, nature and each other.


Hadley won at limbo.


We played this same game in the Delta Gamma front yard.


Cousin M listens patiently and with great trust as Hadley gives direction.  This is not a game for me!



Papa John and O’Shea must be doing something right.  Hadley danced and sang the whole week.  She even led such activities.  For those of you whom think Baptist’s don’t dance, a very sweet woman from our church once called it “the spiritual wiggle”.  Dance a way.


We had 2 days of monsoon rains and a night of tornado warnings.


So we did a lot of crafts.




This is teamwork at its best.  This is a huge teeter totter.


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Organized Mass Chaos.  This was an awesome game of wet sponges, hula hoops, Shaving cream, cheetos, toilet paper and assorted crazy antics.  A good time was had by all.


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The missionaries were fabulous as usual.  We learned all about Kenya including trying on clothing and jewelry.

As some of you know, we struggled as a group last year to get the cooperation pennant.  Struggle would be putting it mildly.  This year, we left with a solid goal in place to be good sports, kind and generous campers and helpful to others. Even their leader needed a few reminders.  We did it!!  Even on the days only a few cabins were chosen, we still got the cooperation award.  I am sure a few well timed notes of encouragement from our older praying ladies at home helped.


Julie said...

Just curious, where do you all camp at for church?

missyg said...

Awesome stuff! Can't wait to hear more!

Unknown said...

Cedarmore in Bagdad KY. Our youth go to youth camp on the other side.