Thursday, November 13, 2008

One small boy plus one small rock equals.........

What can I say, J is at it again. Absolutely nothing prepared me for life with a boy. He is my only child to ever disappear and require the help of the police and local fire department to find him. (twice) He is the reason we have so many additional locks and gates. He eats more than all the girls put together. He points out every truck, tractor, car and bus and is beginning to know the different kinds. His frustration with his Mama grows daily as I do not realize it is a tow truck vs a front loader etc. He has peeled wall paper, parked all his trucks in the fireplace. ( he needed a gravel pit and things to push around), and clogged toilets. He has even managed to make the hot water heater overflow (don't ask). He is the reason L has a helmet to wear while on ride on toys in the house. He has pushed out screens, unbuckled his seat belt in the car, and can single handed drive all 3 of his sisters to insanity. He can also smile the most amazing "best little boy in the world" smile.
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Amy said...

PLEASE tell me that is not your front door. I tried to warn you about boys but some things you have to experience yourself!

Unknown said...

Of course it is my front door! I am just thankful that this time he was still inside, not the 1/2 mile away he was when the police got involved!

Kelly S. Gabriel said...

Thank goodness for little boys=) Would love to get Jack and Zane together.