Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Good Day

God must know I could take very little more. Yesterday, we had a really good day. L was finally well and smiled and played. It was pretty and the whole crew got to play on the trampoline. We got lots of school done. I feel like a great teacher when I see the love of history B has developed. Of course I feel equally bad when we both cheer at the completion of the chemistry unit ansd set it aside with clear distaste. We just did better.

Today was J's surgery. He did better than expected and has gotton to come home. The big girls are staying with the plan to spend the night away just in case. I finally woke up not already exhausted. As Brian said to day when I could carry on a conversation without coughing " I am glad to have you back." We are blessed to have really great friends look after our kids. H is spending the night with her teacher. Ms. Whittamore is the bomb! Even got a book read while J was in surgery and all took a nap when we got home.

Thanks for prayers. And thank you God for days of rest.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Wednesday was indeed a gorgeous day. Glad you're feeling better, and glad to hear about Jack. And hurray for good days. Maybe there will be more of them now that the weather is improving.

What did you read?

An unrelated note. I don't own a dutch oven. Would you recommend a particular brand? Would rather not spend over $100...but I could also try second-hand stores.