Sunday, December 6, 2009

Back in Business

Oh, my sweet computer. How nice it is to again be connected to the outside world. As many of you have suspected, my life has been even more out of control than usual, but the main reason I have been missing is my lack of computer. One virus and several months later, I am happily working away at my new laptop. Still can't figure out how to connect to the printer but we'll start with baby steps.

A few notes to catch everyone up..... L did start at the primary center in Allen County. It has gone better than I ever could have imagined. She has a wonderful instructional assistant who never leaves her side and loves her like her own. Her responsive communication is really taking off and she adds signs and words along the way. We could still use a few less bloody days, but I love seeing her face light up as we turn into the school parking lot.

We are still keeping up with ACPC, Holy Trinity, Big Red School at Western and home schooling B. It is wild to say the least, but we are managing. We realize this is a season and we will make adjustments in the future.

Brian had knee surgery in October. It was outpatient and he did awesome. The doctor was amazed at all Brian had accomplished with the knee and leg issues he had before the accident. I assured him Brian is an amazing man, of course he did and will continue to do great things. Brian is still in therapy, but hopefully he will be back in shape before long. Now, if we can just find riot gear for him to wear on the farm.

For fall break, we took the "Great American History Trip". As soon as I figure out a few more things, I will post the pictures. The whole crew did great with the VERY long drive to Virginia to tour Jamestown, Yorktown and Williamsburg. Of course the day at Busch Gardens and the stay at The Great Wolfe Lodge helped make hours of history more tolerable. I think everyone learned alot. An added highlight was how well L did with the amusement park scene and especially the characters. I feel safe to say a Disney trip is in our future.

Softball season ended well, cheer is in full swing, and I am supposed to be fixing huge amounts of dessert for the Christmas dinners as we speak but, I have lots of random and probably down right ridiculous thoughts to fill the screen. Check back in soon, I promise to be here rambling.


Missy said...

Glad you are "back"! I missed the blog posts.

Unknown said...

I am so very blessed to be a part of L's daily life!!! She makes my day even when they aren't the best of days. Lots of love Emily

Unknown said...

L's is a blessing for me i stop by ever time in the building she my girl