Thursday, November 25, 2010


This summer Brian and I celebrated our 14th anniversary. As we enjoyed an over the top meal at Ruth's Chris,he asked "What had been the best events of the last 14 years and no usual answers like our kids arrival etc?" After a few minutes of discussion, we decided the boat and all the activities that go with it and Disney World were tops on our best moments list. I have pondered how we both saw light, fun moments as the highlights of our 14 years. And then I began to realize it is the lighter moments of everyday that keep us going. Brian pulled me into a hug this morning and whispered, "I just love to hear you laugh." Brian must love to hear me, because he works so hard to make sure we keep laughing. As I contemplate blessings this morning, laughter is at the top of my list.

I am thankful for the sounds of giggles outside my window. I am thankful for the millions of comments around our dinner table such as "take the spoon out of your hair" "Don't put your feet on the table" "Quit licking your glass." "Only grownups are allowed to throw food." I love the comments like "B, you do too have time to tie up J. Come down here and do it." "Shut the playroom door if you are going to play baseball in there."

I am thankful I have a husband that can laugh and even flirt with me while we clean up poop. After one of L's worst episodes ever, we were in rolling giggles as we soaked her in the tub and scrubbed poop off walls, carpet and furniture. J got sick at church and I made a run for the bathroom. Projectile vomit followed, but we got to the bathroom first! We cleaned up the mess together as Brian bragged, and gave high fives on how close we got to the toilet. After dinner Brian said "What's that gurgling noise?" Me "The pee running down your shoulder and dripping onto your shoes." It may sound gross and disgusting, and lets face it, it is, but as long as we are together we usual find ourselves laughing out loud.

We tell silly, ridiculous jokes all the time. We do crazy dances that embarrass and horrify B and H. In short, when it is just us, we crack ourselves up. Life is hard. Life is challenging. Life is dirty. People other than my inner circle make me crazy. But as long as we can keep the laughter going, I know we will get though and that God must have a sense of humor.

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