Monday, December 14, 2009

The Christmas Makers

After a very stressful week of baking, hosting, play practice and sick kids, some one told me that some people are meant to be Mary and some Martha, and I am a Martha. I have thought about this and of course read- A Mary Christmas by Karen Kingsbury and Simple Christmas By ???. The conclusion---I don't want to be Martha. While all those things still need to be done, the focus needs to be Jesus and I don't want to forget that. As the years go by, it gets slightly easier, because I have added little helpers like L. She not only dislikes change, she simply can not do it. Her Sunday School teacher was absent yesterday and she had a fall apart. It reminds me that as Benjamin Franklin said "It is not the big events that rarely happen that bring happiness, but the small improvements to daily living." (modern language mine) Basically, it will not be the huge events like the Rockettes or big parties that my kids remember, but the little things we do though out the holiday season. Setting up Nativity sets and assorted crafts would be at the top of the list in our house.

But, I also got a reminder. The author of Simple Christmas pointed out that for many people, Christmas as an adult never lives up to those of our childhood, because as a child someone else "made" Christmas. Someone else stayed up late wrapping presents. Someone else made sure all the ingredients were available for cookies or hot chocolate on the spur of the moment. Someone else sent the cards or strung the lights on the house that made it seem such a magical place. At some point we have to leave home and become our own maker of Christmas. It is those that never do this that are convinced they can do nothing and "it will all be fine" simply because it is the holiday. Disappointment reigns when no elves that arrive in the night. And while it will be "fine" because our God is in heaven and the birth of his Son will arrive and change the world regardless of my actions, I also need to remember that it is I who will pass on that wonder and joy to my children. My actions and attitude will be reflected back in them. Just as Santa needs a few elves to get his job done, I need to volunteer for God's company of elves and start spreading the joy of the season. It may be done through cookies, or parties or even this all consuming play, but in then end, it matters not that I am a Martha or a Mary, but that I am honored to be one of the many sharing in the activities of the one true Christmas Maker.


Unknown said...

Yeah, forget this. Two more evnts with food to go. Missing AR reward, finished both J and L's parties, Taking the whole crew to H's party this afternoon which means no nap J and L, family function tonight, 2 plays to get through and a visit from a social worker. I am beginning to see the value in Bah Humbug.

Unknown said...

I am being nicer again. The post can stand.