Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Big Bang Theory

We love this show.  It comes on in syndication most week nights and we watch it as Lucy falls asleep.  At first we thought it was just a funny show, but as time has progressed, we realized the people who watch, love and actually get the jokes in this show, have a few things in common.... Mostly, we are geeks.  Or nerds or whatever other word you have for creative intelligent types.  Or in Brian's case, he married the geek/nerd and I have brought him so far.  This realization came as a little girl at church whom her mother and I get on quite well, commented how much they loved The Big Bang Theory.  As I smiled, another child, whose mother and I usually see things from different perspectives (not a judgment, just an observation!) Said "Oh we don't like that show at all."  Momentary pause..... This explains so much.

The Big Bang theory is full of odd characters who like me, have seen all the different variations of Star Trek and Star Wars and not only recognize that red shirt on Sheldon as from The Greatest American Hero TV show, we were among the handful of people who watched it in prime time.  We are the people who find Sheldon's autistic like mannerisms funny because we have family members just like him.  In fact, the more I have watched the show, the more I realize I come from a long line of people that would be right at home in most of these story lines.  Today as we count blessings and some lament the outcome of yesterday's elections, I am celebrating my weird, geeky, odd wonderful family.

We are the people who know what this is.....and post it on Facebook.

We wear shirts like this......

And we get what it means.

When the community held a Civil War era dance class, 8 people showed up.  5 are related to me.  But it came in handy.

We take pictures of barns.
I took this one.
Lana or Sara took this one
This one is Brian.  I told you I was rubbing off.

We make things from scratch.... Like pickles and bread and soap and even this......which wouldn't have been as funny if my parents weren't brewing raspberry something in their basement at the same time.

We have this odd relationship with dogs.  We throw them parties, and send them to doggy daycare.  We dress them up.  This is me in the next picture.  This goes way back.

And sometimes we just look like ZZ Top.

Next time you are looking at my make up less face, carpet clogs and long hair, just smile to yourself and realize.  It's genetics.  And we are happy.

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