Sunday, October 24, 2010

Disney World 2010- The trip down



Could you ever guess from this picture that our trip down to Orlando was nothing short of crazy??  In other words, just a normal day for the Celsor family!  We had very good intentions of leaving right from school,and we were close until Brian’s forgotten ankle brace meant a trip back to Holland and then on the road again.  L started signing “swim” before we crossed the Tennessee line,and J was sure Disney World was no further than Bowling Green.  They were delightful traveling companions.  J had stepped on a piece of glass earlier in the day and by the time we stopped for the night, it was obvious a piece was embedded in his foot and we had considerable bleeding.  Brian had researched our stop options and made a great choice. 

The next morning started with Advil for all and a great hot breakfast until we realized L was stinky.  Umm… so began a series of stops due to some kind of stomach bug, in a state that has not improved its public bathroom situation since that ill fated college spring break trip I try so hard to forget.  No changing facilities or even hot water most places.  Thank you Ray Croc and Truett Cathy.  Some days McDonalds and Chikfila are on my most wonderful things list.  Well, that and the pepto bismal we started popping like candy.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

You should write an Erma Bombeck-esque book with posts like this one.